Deal's Gap, US129, Tail of the Dragon w/e you want to call it..

Discussion in 'General Community' started by bixs, Aug 5, 2011.

  1. bixs

    bixs Supporting Member

    Just helpful criticism. I don't think the whole 42min run needed to be uploaded. I can only keep attention on watching that road for like 2min tops.

    I find that with my videos, I can watch the whole thing from start to end. When I send it to someone else, and ask them something along the lines of "what did you think of 3min mark??". They will almost always say they didn't make it that far. :|
  2. longfury

    longfury Active Member

    I did not have the time to edit it down and I wanted to show the entire road. Also, this video will be deleted in a few weeks. It was just an example of the road Matt and I were talking about.

    I have been meaning to make a highlight video from the videos that the guy sent me. I have not had the time to watch the 40 gigs of video he sent.

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