Eneos engine oil and transmission fluid

Discussion in 'TopSpeed Motorsports' started by kingwrex, Oct 13, 2011.

  1. kingwrex

    kingwrex Supporting Member

    hello guys, my car has 150k+ miles on it now and i had been putting off my 60k for about 15k miles and finally got around/able to afford doing it. i usually use all subaru specific fluids like (extra-s and the limited slip fluid you get at the dealership for the rear end) but now that i am working here at TopSpeed its easier to just use what they keep in stock. being that i am a factory trained subaru tech and that i have always said use only extra-s in the diff/tranny i was very nervous about making any changes, but all the guys up here at TopSpeed use this stuff called Eneos and swear by it. i broke down and gave Eneos a try, i used eneos engine oil, and even used it in my transmission and rear diff. i have been running these fluids for about a week now and let me tell you, my car feels amazing and i dont think my tranny has shifted this smooth even when it was brand new.

    TopSpeed usually keeps Eneos in stock and i highly recommend it.
    TopSpeed is also one of the only places that sell Eneos locally. Eneos has been used over in japan for years and just recently has the U.S. been allowed to distribute Eneos. check out Eneos web site and look into them for yourself (http://www.eneos.us/) and come to TopSpeed to buy it/get it installed in your vehicle. we recommend Eneos in all of our services (30k,60K,90K) and regular oil changes.

    with that being said call up TopSpeed and get a quote/make an appointment for your service work using Eneos fluids.

    See you soon
  2. goixiz

    goixiz Active Member

    Subaru Extra S is non synthetic
    Eneos is a GL-5 Synthetic

    Hows the shift to 1st gear ?
  3. kingwrex

    kingwrex Supporting Member

    First gear shift is buttery smooth
  4. wagunz_pwn

    wagunz_pwn Active Member

  5. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

    Call Cicio and get a quote. Price prolly depends on how much he likes ya.
  6. griggs81

    griggs81 Supporting Member

    I had my transmission/front diff fluid changed out with Eneos with my 60k service at TopSpeed earlier this summer. I will have to agree that it was a vast improvement over the stock fluid. My transmission didn't feel 'mushy' after the 20 minute sessions at Road Atlanta in 100 degree temperatures like the old fluid did...

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