i want a motorcycle

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by bigb996, Sep 24, 2005.

  1. bigb996

    bigb996 teh Wannabe Mod

    My parents are totally against motorcycles but i really enjoy them and have riden dirt bikes and have a couple racing 4 wheelers. The way i see not much a difference. I have never riden a crotch rocket only sat on one. I want a 600 bike of some form honda, suzuki, yahama, or kawasaki. I really dont care, my thing is i want to get one for less than 3 grand. Anyone know a good place to start looking? i cant find anything that cheap on cycle trader. I figured someone that had layed theres down might want to get rid of it for cheap. Anywayz im planning on just buying one and bringing it home.

    I dont need to go bigger than a 600 because 1. im a little guy and 2. im not experienced on this form of bike. any info would be appreciated.
  2. RADON

    RADON Member

    There is a cult like following on the Suzuki SV650. They look to be in your pricerange used. Couple sites my brother forwarded me, he's a cycle guy. I'm sure others will chime in.

  3. moose

    moose Infina Mooooooose!

    Well, here's my $.02...

    First off, don't listen to the bike mags who treat 600s as 'beginner bikes'. A 600 supersport is something that deserves a serious amount of respect.

    The SV650 might be a little friendlier.

    Personally, I'd recommend a decent condition 80s 'zuk GS or similar bike (500-550cc). No plastic to break, inexpensive for a good one, and you can turn around and sell it a year later for basically what you paid.

    Also, make sure you budget $1k or thereabouts for proper gear. A generic leather jacket from Wal-Mart and a $100 helmet doesn't cut it. Figure on $200-300 for a decent helmet, $80-100 for gloves, $150-200 for boots, $100-150 for pants, and $200-300 for a jacket. Don't skimp on this.

    Also, read this for some perspective on riding bikes: http://zrxoa.org/03Z1Rthreads/hitandrun.htm

    When you're out there you're only an inattentive driver or a chunk of tire on the road away from death or disfigurement.

    That said... bikes are unlike anything else. Been riding on and off for sixteen years, and no matter how quick a car is the feeling is never the same.
  4. CROSSeyed

    CROSSeyed Member

    Excellent post from moose, esp. the link to the guy that got hit and run. I sent that link to a friend of mine thats thinking about getting a bike to "save gas". I hope he's really only saying he's getting it to scare the you know what out of his wife (she has a little bit of a shopping problem) so she'll save more so they can get out of CC debt. I'll probably never ride again, and as long as I stay away from it I don't miss it too much.
  5. bigb996

    bigb996 teh Wannabe Mod

    thanks guys....you especially moose. Very inciteful information and i definatly understand its life or death on these. I would only buy it to ride around back roads and just take a good old weekend cruize ya know. Not gonna be something im gonna take to the gap or ride down 85 at 140mph.

    I want something that looks good, and feels good. My question is how strict are these places about credit? i have only had a car loan for about 8 months (cosigned) and a credit card for about 7 months. I dont really have that much credit and i can actually aim for about a 3500.00 bike at most. Gear is ideal though.

    I am moving to the country like EAST BUMBLE, nothing but side roads and cow pastures so i will not really have tow orry about traffic.

    any more classifieds places to look?
  6. moose

    moose Infina Mooooooose!

    Well, check Georgia Sportbike forum(don't have the url handy, google it). They usually have quite a few bikes posted for sale, and often times you can find a good starter bike there.

    As for credit, you will likely get bent over financing a used bike. I looked into it some years ago, and at the time only State Farm Bank was offering decent rates (7% or so). Bike dealers were wanting 18-20% on used ones regardless of how good your credit is... it might be worth, by the way, to spend the relatively small amount it'd cost to get your credit score from Equifax (or maybe Experian) so you know where you stand in case a dealer tells you you have 'poor credit' and have to finance at some insane rate.

    And while backroad riding and weekend cruising is certainly better than commuting on 285, don't fool yourself and think it's even remotely low risk... just make sure that it's enough fun and enjoyment that you're willing to take the very serious risk that riding 2-wheelers is!
  7. scuby drew

    scuby drew techos ftws!!EEEE

    i have a friend that is selling a 95 ninja 250 with decent mileage for about 2k. i think it has some kind of pipe on it and comes with two helmets and a cover and a few extra parts. he just bought it to learn to ride on and did the whole not tell parents and just bring it home thing, but it didnt really fly so hes looking to sell it. pm me if you would like more details.
  8. moose

    moose Infina Mooooooose!

    2k is pretty high for that.. I had a Ninja 250 a few years ago, and paid 2k for a year old one with 1,000 miles.
  9. UGASTIDreamer

    UGASTIDreamer New Member

    Yeah KBB trade is ~$1000 Retail ~$1600. Accessories are pretty much worthless. Helmets could be of some value if they're quality and in good shape.
  10. bigb996

    bigb996 teh Wannabe Mod

    anyone got a pic of what that bike looks like?
  11. Brian

    Brian Active Member

    lol, a 250 ninja was my first real motorcycle back in '88. It's a decent learner bike. People in Atlanta are lucky, there are several motorcycle learning facilities about. The ones I can think of right off are the Alpharetta Honda center and out on Thornton Rd. behind the Harley dealer.
  12. moose

    moose Infina Mooooooose!

    The Ninja 250 is pretty small. If you're under 5'10 and less than 180 lbs, it'll do ok for you though.


    And I can't believe I neglected to say this earlier, but don't get anything before taking the MSF class! Start looking now because often they are heavily booked in advance.
  13. bigb996

    bigb996 teh Wannabe Mod

    yea i want to take one of the classes. That ninja isnt to bad looking. I am 6'0 145lbs. so i gues it would fit me. I cant find any sv650 for less than like 5g's.
  14. moose

    moose Infina Mooooooose!

    At 6 feet, go sit on one at a bike dealer first. Depending on the length of your legs it may or may not be too small for you. The Ninja 500 is a good bike too, as is the 'zuk GS500 if you're looking for more recent model year rides.

    BTW, this thread inspired me to do some maintenance on the ZRX so I can ride it to work next week... 15 miles of backroads, baby!

    PS: 6' 145 lbs? Have a sammich, man! ;)
  15. moose

    moose Infina Mooooooose!

  16. Genya

    Genya No Longer Up At Odd Hours

    Id go for a ninja 500, it will fit you well. Thats what I started out on.
  17. ptc075

    ptc075 Member

    Well, if you want a really cheap bike, I have the remains of 2 wrecked Suzuki Katana 600s. I've been slowly building a running one over the last, uh, years (sigh). It's a project that I've never had the time to finish. Currently the good motor is in the good frame & it starts (did that last month). So what I have now is a nearly rideable bike and a basement full of parts. If you're interested, I'm sure we can work something out, be it cash or trade for WRX parts...

  18. bigb996

    bigb996 teh Wannabe Mod

    moose you are the man! you have given me some awsome info and i appreciate it so much. I will definatly get with you when i start riding. It will be awhile though:)....


    i might look into that man. If we can work a decent trade/price out i will be down for something like that. Like i said this is gonna be for me to ride around country roads in the middle of nowhere so being the best thing on the road is not a big deal.

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