I'm sure we can plan something, its about time. I'm thinking a parking lot meet and then hitting up somewhere to eat for just a nice social enviorment.
I am new to the subie scene and would like to meet some locals. I don't yet own one, but plan to buy an STi after the first of the year. In the meantime, I've been combing the web and forums to learn what I can, try to sift through the BS, etc. I will be at an RX7 event up at VIR next weekend, so won't be able to attend. I live in Vinings, and would like to meet some of you the next time something comes up.
Where in vinings do you live Doug? You may see me driving around occasionally, dont be afriad to pull up or pull over and say hi My father has a house in the area, so occasionally I pay the ol' man a visit. Feel free to IM me if you have any STi, WRX, Subaru or other general questions. Oh, and welcome to the site! Alex
Do you live in the apt complex across from the BP (or chevron, w/e it is). If I'm up there, I'm only a few mins away from you down on Woodland Brooke (past the church on Atl Rd). Go over the train tracks, around a bend or two and over the very small bridge. Let me know, we can get a cup of coffee or such next time I'm there.