Anyone planning on showing up for this? (details at I'll be goin for sure. i've already registered (put WRXatlanta as organization). I might be a little late cuz i'm helping a friend move in the morning. The event starts at 2pm. Register on their site if you plan on showing up. milO 404-247-2170
looks like its gonna be just me representing i'll try to take pictures but i don't have much of a steady hand if anyone decides to make it at the last minute, give me a call @ 404-247-2170
subarus were under-represented... besides me, there were like 2 wrx's... across the isle from 5 evos :evil:
here's links to pics on seloc's website pics on the forum: seloc members pics: (the first one has pics of my car )
My first post I actually found out about this website at that meet this weekend. I was there with my silver wrx(no mods yet) and a couple of friends and this very nice wrx parked next to me and had a pewter wrxatlanta sticker. Anyway this looks like a nice place and here are some pictures one of my friends took. Pics
hey jeb... that was me you parked next to... i'm glad you made it to this site... welcome to the club :bigthumb:
I'm ME. About to start my third year. I'm co-oping at a company called mckenney's that's off morland right now, but still living on campus.
Very cool, I'll be starting ME on the 16th :bigthumb: We should get lunch sometime... Oh yeah, and Milo apparently they are allowing parking registration
Oh, and trust me if it was my camera I would have taken some pics of milo's car, but it was one of my friends.
If you don't get a pass by applying online you can always go into the office and ask them. They usually have extra permits that they'll give you one the spot after the first couple of weeks of school. This thread is being hijacked
I'm game for lunch, I can only meet downtown and not on thursdays durring the week though. Just give me a time and a place.
Well....True, I can just move posts out of it later. Yes, I just have an issue with trusting people and their car doors when I park next to them
Just park next to the nicest car you can find. Beaters = door dings Want to meet at felleni's on howel mill tomorrow around 12:30?
im going to be slam packed with work most weekdays this week and next week... i'm free-er (if thats even a real word) in the evenings... maybe we could plan something for the coming weekend
I cant meet up anytime soon since my family is heading to Europe for the next week but you guys enjoy. I'm also at Tech, 2nd year AE for me. What sides of campus are you all living on? I'm on west this year. I met Milo at this event. I was the guy with the white wagon. I guess we'll have our own little Tech WRX club next year.
glad u made it to the site :bigthumb: i don't live on campus anymore... i live between northside and peachtree on 26th street... but i park in the west campus deck next to woodruff anyone been assigned to the same lot?
That'll be my deck when I get my permit (WR29). I'm on the list but havent actually gotten one since I didnt have a license plate at the time.
sweet... let me know when u get the permit. i always park at the lowest level as far away from everyone else as possible... i hate door-dingers
I got a wr29 and I'm living in hemphill (307 right now, 317 in the fall). Park walk 5 yards to the stair well, up one flight and there I am. Our room is going to be prety crazy this year. Alex, one of my roomates with a 500 hp lightning, has like 8k or electronics going in our living room. 53"HD dlp tv 1k reciever custom built speakers we're going to set up staduim with 2 couches in the living area. You'll have to come by and check it out some time.
sounds pretty bad ass... maybe i'll drop in check it out sometime... let me know when u guys get it ready :bigthumb:
We should all park together over in Curran to ward off the would be door dingers. I'm in Hemphill 504 or something for this next year. I'm an audiophile and if I can keep from spending money on my car I'll get some quality audio equipment up in there. I dont have near the money that your roommate has. Hell, I dont even know two of the guys that I'm rooming with. Me and my friend got overflow and then were put into Hemphill with two random guys.