Leh Keen to drive TopSpeed's GT2 in OneLap of America

Discussion in 'Vendor Chat' started by Cicio@TopSpeed, Apr 24, 2010.

  1. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

    Pure raw driver skill.
  2. ↑↑↑↑↑ He is the man, but lets not forget that even Paul Walker can't drive a slow car fast! :D
  3. integroid

    integroid Supporting Member

    There is only so much a computer can do to help you think you are a race car driver.
  4. Mid Ohio video is up on the TopSpeed Blog<----Click

    I will have to say that the GT-R sounds pretty mean pulling off the line.
  5. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

    Sounding and doing are two different things.....LOL.
  6. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

    Hey Cicio did Mr. Vette stay on the Topspeed side of the fence?
  7. Gridded up at NJ

  8. No...she must be a woman cause she doesn't hear good ;)
  9. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

  10. P1 BOTH Sessions! Off to Nelson for the last road race event.

    I will get details and pictures soon
  11. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

  12. slowwrx

    slowwrx Supporting Member

    crush them
  13. 07Ltd#767

    07Ltd#767 The Neighborhood Drunk

    LOL at your video tag - 'Cicio is the man'
  14. Its not true...don't listen to him
  15. Davidwrx

    Davidwrx Member

    Is it just me or does Leh look very relaxed in the video - like he is out for a Sunday drive.

    Nice job TS and crew!

    Wonder what the inside of that car is smelling like after the last week of activities?
  16. slowwrx

    slowwrx Supporting Member

    He knows Mid Ohio well and they said the cars working well. Its easy to be relaxed with that combo.
  17. I would guess the smell isn't too bad because there is no carpet or anything to soak up any smell :)

    She is gonna need a GOOD bath when she gets home though :)

    I'm still waiting on pictures...There is a camera crew following the car right now, i'm trying to get ahold of some of those pictures :)
  18. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

    She'll need a bath, wax, and a sealing. Interstate driving kills paint jobs......why my cars never look clean when you guys see me.
  19. 50% of her is clear bra....so there is no real waxing and for sure no sealing :D

    I think she might actually just need a new middle radiator...that one looks so buggy it may be unsalvageable.

    Anyone know any tricks to getting little bugs out of fins :)
  20. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

    Hire a midget with steady hands and tweezers?
  21. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    pressure washer?
  22. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

    That will actually bend the heck out the fins if you aren't careful.
  23. integroid

    integroid Supporting Member

    Nah, hire a retarded monkey to do the job.
  24. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member


    that shit is so old and played out
  25. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

    But they overcharge, have subpar results, and just flat out suck.
  26. slowwrx

    slowwrx Supporting Member

    You know whats fucking played out Matt.....Paying for Stage II turbos and getting Stage I turbos....
  27. Decker@Forged

    Decker@Forged Member

  28. RoMe

    RoMe Active Member

    :rofl: water on my keyboard now thanks
  29. slowwrx

    slowwrx Supporting Member

    un called for I wish I had the time to sit around and report 37 post
  30. Decker@Forged

    Decker@Forged Member

    now THAT'S hilarious
  31. slowwrx

    slowwrx Supporting Member

    whats funny is that Tray has time
  32. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    Knock it off.
  33. SESSION 1 New Jersey Motorsports


    SESSION 2 New Jersey Motorsports

  34. Overall Standings


    KINGLEH Member

    Relaxed or half asleep?! I was a little tired. That's for sure.

    U don't want to smell this smell. Is is BAD. I think a new bride seat cushion is in order.
  36. Few Pictures anyone? :)





  37. siegelracing

    siegelracing Registered Vendor<br><b><font color="#666666">bion

    Wow. I know Leh is not just a professional driver, but last years Grand Am CHAMPION, but DANG is he relaxed while sliding a SERIOUS car around a road-course on STREET TIRES.

    It seems like everybody on here is only even noticing the top two cars out of SIXTY FOUR CARS. It's amazing to look at the gap that Leh often has over the GT-R, but then look at the gap of the GT-R over 3rd, and then (usually Danny Popp) over 4th. It's amazing how fast the fastest cars are...

  38. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member


    my buddy's 02 WRX STILL has that smell from when he did one lap in 04
  39. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    you mean swamp ass?
  40. Weapon

    Weapon 90lbs of dynamite Supporting Member

    whats up with the Honda Civic Si in that line up?

    KINGLEH Member

    Did anyone notice the addition to the gauge cluster!!?
  42. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    i saw kill in there
  43. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    I saw...I chuckled.
  44. I put on some forum, or the blog or something...."who can find the kill in the picture"...I can't remember where at this point.
  45. Doug@DBW Motorsports

    Doug@DBW Motorsports Active Member

    After running the 1:32.0 at mid ohio and forgetting to get the incar camera running I was determined to not repeat the same mistake.

    So lucky for everyone here I had time to upload a new video... we ran crazy fast lap times at NJMP lightning course. Pretty much everyone there said we were the fastest thing they had ever seen running a true street tire.. not some ultra sticky dot r comp. In any event we ran a 1:10.2 on in our second session. Also Leh has never driven the track and the car currently has a setup that is best of all worlds and not track specific. Talking with Leh he and I agree that with some more laps and a small setup change a low 1:09 here would be an east task just as the car sits.

    To put this in comparison the fastest Time Attack car there is the Cobb GTR which in full unlimited class kill mode ran a 1:06.7 or about 3.5 seconds faster then us. Needless to say I think we could easily beat that and then some.... man am I excited for the sebring time attack coming up.

    Can someone say overall victory with a modified class car.... lol

    heres the vid
  46. slowwrx

    slowwrx Supporting Member


    Its like that every year though but the top 5 aren't usually separated by as much
  47. Meredith

    Meredith Banned

    Awesome results Doug & Leh! I hope you guys didn't lose any money betting Andy Hollis he couldn't sway his brakes under five minutes.
  48. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

    Have they raced the morning session yet?
  49. Morning session went well.... We took the first session.

    Oh...TopSpeed would also like to welcome the ZR1 to the party :D
  50. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

    NICE!!!!! What was the gap from 1st to 2nd?

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