I hope you guys dont mind, I'm bringing the the 240sx, I need to get it dialed in for some time attack events that are going on later this year. It probally wont be that fast it should only be making 300hp at the event. We might turn it up a little if I'm feeling froggy. Matt
We would like all guests to bring $5 for lunch. All Drivers will be covered, however, we'd like to be sure we have enough food for all guests as well. This should be more than adequate to provide guests with food and drink throughout the day.
Monk, please see my posts below. In other news, weather looks like it'll be stellar this sat. at tally! http://www.weather.com/weather/detail/USAL0524?dayNum=4 Partly Cloudy High 71°F Precip 20%
Uh, did I miss it somewhere? Also, can a spectator drive a few laps as well? My brother may be heading into town, and I'm sure he'd like to have a chance to do this.
Those of us coming from Atlanta can meet at the McD's on exit 49 of I-20 just outside 285 on the west side of the perimeter at 7:00 to head for the track. Attached are some small maps to show where that is. If there is trouble viewing them it is 100 meters South of I20 on exit 49. Please have at least a 100 miles worth of gas when you arrive there. The Leaning Motorcycle Sign has been taken down. The only signs are the smaller white Talladega Gran Prix signs at the gate. The track is right near 12 miles down 21 from 20. Take I-20 (the one that runs from Birmingham to Atlanta) to exit 185 in Alabama. It is Highway 21 and I believe it is the middle of 3 Oxford/Anniston Exits. You will go South on Highway 21 (Right if you are coming from Birmingham, Left if coming from Atlanta.) *** If you are driving seperately, there is a BP 5 miles down 21, PLEASE FILL UP. With this much track-time you will burning a significant amount of fuel. PLEASE get a FULL tank. Also, they should have air available, please fill your tires to 40 psi all the way around. We will be able to bleed them down as we see fit at the track. Also, we will need to be wearing helmets for the hot laps. I have a few, but if you have one, or have access to one, you may prefer to wear your own. Finally, I have 4 radios, but if any of you have FRS 2-way radios, we could use a few extra. We will have a cooler with Propel and Water. If you have another preference please feel free to bring anything you like. Also we will be bringing in BBQ and things for lunch, if you'd prefer something else, please feel free to bring it. When the cars are on the track they should be completely empty. It may be easier to leave anything extra at home. There are a number of chairs there, but if you have a folding chair that you like, feel free to bring that too. Other than that, we should be having a blast. If you have ANY questions please PM me or Scott.
What to bring? Directions & Map/Atlas (if not riding with caravan) Cooler: Food & Water (lunch will be provided to all drivers, guests please bring $5) Long Pants (required), T-Shirt & Long Sleeve (in case weather changes) Jacket Tools (basic, in case there is a small problem) Tire Gauge Engine Oil Cell Phone Wallet & Cash Camera, Mounts & Tether Umbrella Shoes (if applicable) Brake Fluid Brake Pads Rags & Window Cleaner Torque Wrench & Sockets Helmet Work Gloves
Do's and Dont's Do not bring alcohol with you in your cooler Do bring water Do not wear shorts Do wear comfortable long pants Do not wear sandals Do wear comfortable shoes Do not party all night after the 555 before the event Do sleep at least 3 hours Do not show up late
Hey Guys, The first pre-lesson; heel and toe downshifting; For those that are driving manuals, it is my strongest suggestion that you heel and toe downshift EVERY gear, EVERY time you slow down. For those that are not familiar with heel and toeing, here's a basic. As you approach a corner, or even a stop, 1) You will use the Left Side of your Right foot (not necessarilly the toes, but the left side of the ball of your foot, keep your foot straight up and down if possible) to push on the brake pedal. If your car is not loud enough to know exactly what rpm you are at, try to be aware of the tach, without looking at it, and "see" the needle sweeping down far enough to go down to the next lower gear. 2) As you shed enough speed to go down a gear, push the clutch in with your left foot. 3) Shift down 1 gear unless your car has HUGE brakes and you HAVE to skip gears on the way down. Most cars, and likely all cars being driven on the street should be able to go down the gears one at a time. 4) Roll your ankle over, and use the Right Side of your right foot, or if the pedals are far apart you may have to throw you heel out slightly, to blip the throttle (all Subaru's should be able to do this EASILY with your foot straight up and down) 5) The blip should be quick. You don't want to be rev-matching slowly like pulling away from a stop. You want a quick, sharp blip into the throttle. You will actually want to slightly "over-blip" as in the revs should come up slightly higher than exactly where they should be for the next lower gear. 6) As the rev's are dropping to where they should be in the next gear you will come off the clutch. Now you are off the clutch in the next lower gear, ready to go to the throttle as soon as appropriate. Or, when your speed drops enough to go to the next lower gear, clutch in, blip and shift, release the clutch. 7) Your goal is to be able to slow at a constant force, on the track it will be threshold braking, while able to go down multiple gears without ever unsettling the car. Ideally as you come off the clutch you will have exactly the right rpm, not too high where the engine pushes the car forward, or too low where the clutch slows the car, or locks a tire. I usually tell people that when you have done it 100 times, you might get a few right. When you've done it 1000 it will begin to be natural. When you've done it 5000 it will be seamless every time. Also, please get in the habit of keeping your hands near 9 and 3 or 10 and 2. Keep both hands on the wheel, when you need to shift, do the shift and get both hands back on the wheel. Most good road racers support the shifty hands method of turning. Basically, keep your left hand on the left side of the wheel, and your right hand on the right side of the wheel. Shifting one hand at a time to keep your hands near optimum driving position. That should be enough for now, as always, please call if you have any question,
Ms. Chan & Others, please do bring extra helmets that you wouldn't mind letting me use and/or try on. I don't own one and I'm looking to buy one so I'd appreciate a trial run.
i'll be bringing my tool box along, i just refilled it with mm ratchet-wrenches and sockets along with a very large ratchet bar and other toys (including 19, 21, and 32MM sockets). if you don't want to bring tools, you prob won't need to. i can also bring along my floor jack if that helps. let me know. edit: will also bring radios
I will bring tools, but I dont think I'll bring a jack. Ill bring my large socket set so we should be setup as well.
I want to also, but like Brett I don't have $180. Plus I don't have another $800 on top of that to replace my tires after the event. At least replacing the brakes would still be free.
damn i was hopin' you'd draw some killer lines with that fine hunk of... machinery. so if the rx8 is back go to the track with it
looks like I won't have the big turbo in time for the track day. I thought 5 weeks was enough of a safety buffer(original install date of ~Feb 3), but most of Perrin's sh&t has been backordered it seems. Still going though!
you guys have a blast!!! take pics, and VIDEO!!! wish i could go too... alex, when do you think you will have another one planned???
hey, Stephen's 20g turbo blew the f&$# up tonight, so he needs to sell his spot. Drop Stephen a PM if you want to take his spot! -- Brian
the track day was awesome... i only got to run my car for a 10 min session due to brake issues... for details read this... thanks to everyone who tried to fix my problems... special thanks go out to ryan (wrxguy)... i cant begin to thank you for the amount of time you spent trying to fix my brake issues... you sacrificed lunch and a LOT of track time helping me out... i owe you one bro :bigthumb:
this was more fun than a barrel of drunken horny monkeys on red dawn... in a good way milo i am SO sorry your day got fucked up by the fluid blend. when will it get fixed? it was awesome getting this much track time in, i really had a blast will definitely be there next time. it was also great meeting everyone (brett, brian(s), ryan(s), mere, ... i know i'm missing some names-i'm horrible with names, but it was awesome hanging out with you all yesterday) hope to see more faces out there next time! thank you alex/alex/scott/milo et al for putting this together.
Let me start off by saying WOW, Saturday was a blast! It was great to have such a chill crowd out at TGP :bigthumb: We started the day off structured with run groups but by lunch time we had just 3 going out--whomever was interested. We had all skill levels there, and it was simply a blast. Sol Drums attended (thank you to SlowWRX) and went from never once driving on a track or auto x, to confidently handling himself out there Stayed tuned as Ryan, Milo and myself took a heap of video using the new camera mount. Unfortunately, my camera did not perform as I wished, however Ryan came through! His digi cam captured some great footage More to come! Thank you again to Scott for helping us make this happen, we look forward to another in the near future!
First off, big huge thanks to SlowWRX!!! I owe you one! I had so much freakin fun, i can't even put it in words! Just awesome, to be able to push my car to the limit (and then some... Kink, how was the ride Alex?) in a safe environment. I was very nervous at first, with no prior auto x or track experience. Took some lap rides with gt9729b. Then I went out with SS. Drove a few laps slowly, as Scott instructed me on the lines. Then Scott drove my car. WOW!!!! Sweet Jesus, WOW!!!! I very quickly gained a whole new respect for my car!!!! Spent some time on the skidpad at lunch learning more about weight transfer and gaining confidence... lift throttle oversteer is very very fun! As the day when on I was able to push my car more and more and started hitting my apexes better. Except for this one time! Came out of turn 3 great, carrying a lot of speed, thought i was going to miss my apex late. I guess it was fear that made me turn in too soon and hit it early? Came out with my backend sliding out. Instead of adding more throttle, i lifted and tried to correct... spun out at about 55-60!!! All 4 off the track, huge cloud of dust and grass!!! Front windows down, so i all came in the car. I was fine, as was the car. Probably scared the shit out of alex... come to think of it, he never rode with me agian. Hahaha! But I went out some more and got my confidence back and finished with some great laps. It was great hanging out at the track all day and meeting new people! I'm terrible with names as well. Thanks for all the advice guys. Alex, thanks for riding with me and helping me out! I've got an addiction now! And it's the track!!!! Thanks again SlowWRX!!! Scott, thank you for everything!!! Alex & Milo, thanks for working with Scott and putting together this awesome track day!! Looking forward to the pics and video!!!
Nah man, I was not scared, it was fun Yep, just lifted which let the front tuck in even more so. This is what we tried to accomplish while on the skid pad right? If you feel the car starting to pull towards the inside, apply light to moderate throttle to steer yourself out (vice versa). You just got a higher speed lesson :bigthumb: It was a pleasure riding with you and helping show you the lines as well as offering advice and basic instruction. I did not ride with you again because I was too busy having my own fun in my car
Hahah, yeah that is what we were doing on the skid pad. But when it happened on the track, my mind was telling me something totally different. Come to think of it... it felt a lot faster that 55-60!!! And yes it was fun!
here is the url for the videos http://www.subytuner.com/video/wrxatl.wmv http://www.subytuner.com/video/wrxatl2.wmv http://www.subytuner.com/video/wrxatl3.wmv http://www.subytuner.com/video/wrxatl4.wmv
Wow! I thought i was cookin' but didn't know we going that fast!!! hnoes: we ran counter-clock wise (normal direction, i quess). lap times... *cough* maybe *cough*
Well theoretically, Brain (not BrianGT), could have possibly run a 68 or 69 on stock tires, stock suspension, ecutek, and xp9's. I might have run a high 71 - low 72 had a stopwatch been running.
yeah brian was the one i remember getting great lap times. i believe my best was 76... is that good/bad for my first time?