since so many people showed up at northpoint last time, lets try to plan another one at the same location on thursday 8/19... hmmm lets say 8pm here's directions: There's a fuddruckers on northpoint parkway (6360 Northpoint Parkway, Alpharetta). It's behind this fuddruckers across northpoint mall in alpharetta. if u plan on joining the caravan from tech, here's details: alex and i plan to meet in the center street parking lot at 7pm. if this lot is full, we might move somewhere else. if you don't find us at 7, then give one of us a call. If you need to get in touch with myself or Alex, here are our numbers: Mine: 404 247 2170 Alex's: 404 216 9827 hope to see a lot of u guys on thursday Rollcall as of Wed. 8/18: 1-Alex 2-Faysal 3-Milo 4-Jason 5-Yerrow 6-GTscoob 7-Dellwin 8-TJRCS 9-Porter 10-socrates42 11-02 Silver Wagon 12-SkullWRX 13- ?
I'll be there!! Any thursday after that I wont but I got off work for the first week of school. Anybody wanna cruise out from Tech up there? I dont really know where it is
Odds are, I Will either be with milo or be riding with him to get my car (since I am not sure if I will be parked on campus or in milo's parking deck or such). But yeah, its not that hard to find either, feel free to call one of us if you need directions. We should definately all get together sometime this weekend to say hi (the tech peoples that is).
we could plan a meeting spot and caravan up there... i gotta take alex up to get his car... besides that, i'll be free in the evening to meet
maybe all us techies could meet up on campus and head up there... on the way we could stop by and pick up alex's car... dunno how much its gonna be out of the way for everyone comments?
its not gonna be too bad... alex's car will either be garaged in vinings or at my parking deck... i live close to school so if its at my place, it'll be cool... so worst case would be vinings but thats really not that far off...
How many decals do I need to bring, or should I bring the entire stack hoping to sell out like I do every meet?
Well I will bring my stack of pewter/silver ones for everyone then. Remember, they are $3 each and I want them all sold soon so buy lots
so 8PM at North Point Mall?? what do you guys do when you meet up??? Street Racing??? jk~ I'll try my best to go there. see ya~ ps. oh yeah, where do we exactly meet up???
if u plan on getting there yourself, here's directions: There's a fuddruckers on northpoint parkway (6360 Northpoint Parkway, Alpharetta). It's behind this fuddruckers across northpoint mall in alpharetta. if u plan on joining the caravan from tech, stay tuned for details ps: NO STREET RACING !!!!! . basically we just get together, hang out and talk. a lot of subarus show up. last time there were about 16.
Damn, I have to work or else I'd be there. I'll probably be able to make the next one since my new job starts Monday and I don't have to work this crappy night shift anymore.
oh yeah, anyone got a stock catback they want to get rid of look me up at the Pudphuckers. tall goofy guy in a silver wagon, black widows, gunmetal Rota torque wheels, carbon hood.
I've got dinner at the house at 530, but after that I'm free... I'm excited about tonight, if it works out, it will be the biggest turnout yet!
TECH people, can anyone help me out with my exhaust squeaking sound today before we leave to North Point??? thanx
sweetwater is a brewery in atlanta that has brew tours/keg parties twice a week, im headed up there now. party starts at 420, and goes till about 630 check out their website, hope to see a couple wrxs there
Thank you all for making this the biggest turnout yet! Its very nice to finally be on a first name basis with everyone The following showed: 1-Alex 2-Milo 3-Jason 4-Yerrow 5-GTscoob 6-Dellwin 7-TJRCS 8-Porter 9-socrates42 10-02 Silver Wagon 11-SkullWRX Also, from NASIOC, IA, etc: Matt, Dan, Josh, Miranda, and some guys in a green "ViZionZ ImpoRtZ" something or other... If I forgot you for one reason or another, dont hesitate to complain for me to edit this post :bigthumb: