One Lap Update

Discussion in 'General Community' started by slowwrx, May 8, 2007.

  1. socrates42

    socrates42 Member

    Great Job fellas!
  2. EodSTI

    EodSTI Member

    sweet/ i love my STI but my first love the SRT4- either way you look at it you can tell that the SRT fought tooth and nail in that class, the first 5 places in mid price sedan were as follows, 1-srt4, 2-sti, 3-sti, 4-sti, 5-sti!
    Thats some fierce competition!
  3. mrs slowwrx

    mrs slowwrx New Member

    The SRT guys were way more consistent than we were.

    Next year Top 3

  4. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    mrs. slowwrx: you are racing next year? :D
  5. mrs slowwrx

    mrs slowwrx New Member

    She might be, I bet Scott and I can have her out running most of you punks in a week.

  6. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    I'm sure she could. I'd be fast too if I wore pink shoes :)
  7. Doug@DBW Motorsports

    Doug@DBW Motorsports Active Member

    Dude your wife should run... both my wife and Luke's wife want to run the event. Most likely they will drive Luke's wifes 06 sti.

    Should be interesting.
  8. Meredith

    Meredith Banned

    Try pink wheels :)
  9. Doug@DBW Motorsports

    Doug@DBW Motorsports Active Member

    Funny you mention that, Luke's wife Briana. Her car has pink wheels on it.
  10. slowwrx

    slowwrx Supporting Member

    I'll ask her if she wants too. We could put her in my car, it sounds like we have something new in the works for next year.


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