Post your pets...

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Texsun, Mar 20, 2012.

  1. rsutton1223

    rsutton1223 Obsessed Supporting Member

  2. bixs

    bixs Supporting Member

    Fixed it for you.
  3. Texsun

    Texsun Member

    Did some Agility training while at work today


    and it wore him out haha

  4. Texsun

    Texsun Member

  5. Electioneer

    Electioneer Member

    He only responds to german? I have heard about this but never really could imaging how specific that breeding is.
  6. slade1274

    slade1274 Member

    Dogs learn the words you teach them... they aren't born to a language. :rofl:
  7. Texsun

    Texsun Member

    French :)
  8. Electioneer

    Electioneer Member

    Could have sworn that work dogs are trained using German or I guess French in texsun's case. If they could do well with another language, why train them in non-English?

    Sent from my TI-89 Titanium using Tapatalk
  9. Texsun

    Texsun Member

    If we train them in English and all the same language then when we are working together they get confused and as for the reason why its not in english... Say someone does something wrong and the K9 charges him and said person just goes no or heel and the dog automatically follows the commands.
  10. slade1274

    slade1274 Member

    I know bilingual folks that have multiple dogs and train each in a different language, that way you can tell one to sit or stay and not confuse the other.....

    Same explanation as above, but still topical on a personal level as well as formal working dogs.
  11. Electioneer

    Electioneer Member

    Well that explains everything. I guess I just generalized what a K9 police officer told me.
  12. driveclimbslide

    driveclimbslide New Member

    Meet Dakota, our 3 year old Australian Cattle Dog.

  13. Coldcat83

    Coldcat83 Member

    Meet Midnight our new Giant Schnauzer pup who pees and poops wherever she pleases, I forgot how much I disliked that about puppies lol.

    Attached Files:

  14. WRXmom

    WRXmom New Member

    My dog Chuck Norris 15 pounds of raw muscle... lol

  15. Mike@TTR

    Mike@TTR Active Member

    Naya our Alaskan Malamute with my mom:

    And chilling on the floor:

    Our Rott stalking Naya in the back deck:

    And our parrot, Mako:
  16. blaster

    blaster my other ride is your mom Supporting Member

    Lottie, my derp.



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