Get the TV, Speakers and mouse....forget the jewelry. The only thing I got back was my great grandmother's engagement ring. That was a family heirloom. Forget the rest of the stuff, consider it money gone towards a learning experience.
yep count it gone as bad as it hurts just count it as all ties lost! better to have lost and forgoten than to have forever remembered! i mean please dont tell me you ever plan on giving these to any one else?
thats why you dont buy womens objects as gifts....take them on trips....atleast you'll get to experience those too
Heh, i feel ya man. I parted from one of 2.5 yrs. and she took 80% of my shit... I came home from work one day and found an empty down stiars... and mostly empty room. i had to rebuy EVERYTHING. She even got my pets (2 dogs 1 cat)... I would have had to take her to court to get them back, they were really the only things i really cared about getting but i just learned my lesson and moved on... i'm rebuying stuff to this day and finding things that she took, just shake my had and say wtf... LOL It will be ok . Its just stuff...
sounds like a problem that took care of itself then... the person you stick with should be your best friend amoung friends as well as your wife/SO. use your time alone to figure out what exactly it is you want out of life-as an individual. by the time you've got that worked out, the pain will have faded. stay focused and you'll come away from all this with a sharper mind and a stronger heart. just takes time... good luck to ya
Depends on how much you drank last night, lol! Time to keep yourself occupied for a while. Like I said, I spent my time looking for new women Or go play some games on the xbox or where all your friends her friends as well? I really have to say if all your friends abandoned you after this then they were not very good friends to start with and you are better off without them. Hell I am still friends with one of the guys that my sister dated and broke up with!! Only one though, the rest were pieces of crap that I had no inclination of being friends with.
Bah, better off without them. I have only had a handful of good friends through the years. Out of the 70+ members of my fraternity, I only keep in touch with like 3 of them to this day. Out of all my friends from high school, have not spoken to one of them in years. I would rather have a couple good friends than a lot of crappy ones. You don't find too many TRUE friends. If you do find one, stick with him.
Those sound like not very good friends. Me and my bestfriend G drifted off and stopped talking for like 2 years because of our relationships. I was dating this girl for a few years and so was he. We both got wrapped up in our own worlds. Well pretty soon both relationships went defunct. Even though it feels that you and your friend have lost that connection I'm sure they still care about you. Don't be afraid to give them a call or a text message.
Again once you get out into the real world, people become lost in their own lives, move around to different areas, etc. Half of my fraternity is in another state! If they are not going to stick by you after a break up they were never your friends in the first place (unless you were slapping her around or something, lol). I say move on from the whole deal, forget about it and finish college...that is the first step in the rest of your life. In the mean time, go to Athens, go to Nopi, go to some meets, convert over to UGA and enjoy the time you have left in college. (GO Dawgs!! sorry know I will get flamed for that one!):fawk:
Wait until you start working a full time job, monday through friday, for the rest of your useful life....:wtc:
Bah I have had a good time after college too...enjoy life. Do the things you always wanted to do. After I broke up with my ex I learned to scuba dive, got a new motorcycle, enjoyed going out with friends, etc...all while working full time. It can be done!!
I'll take class from 1-9 for $500, Alex. The really sucky part of being a student for me was being broke. That I didn't appreciate too much.
my name neeraj =P but other than that ,last nightwas ok, i smoked 5 cigars and had around 5 shots, not too great, will do more tonight
Sounds like you were just getting started! But damn 5 trying to give yourself lung cancer over night?!?! I am a regular smoker and I don't think I could smoke that many cigars, lol. Confused on the last one, are you saying your name is Neeraj?
5 cigars wow what kind were you smokin? normally 1 high quality one and couple of cognacs got me stright.
+1 with that....I'm a smoker and two cigars is my max...usually just one...I mean 1 cigar is gonna take you atleast an hour to smoke (never timed it, but it takes a while) depending on size/quality....
thanks for all the support guys, i guess this is the worst thing thats happned to me , thats why i feel this way. its terrible and i feel as if i wantto strangel her over and over and over funny, 10 pages in 15 hours
if you end up there i'm a block or two away :hsnono: I know it sucks to get over some one like this. All i can do is wish ya the best with it man.
oh you live in Techwood eh? i've got a few friends that live down there. we'll have to hang out some time. Drop me a line if you're bored this weekend
do.....ummmmm im dating someone again. new girl shes nto that hot. but im goign to use her to pass the time
Haha work quick dude. Has this one been lined up for awhile or something? Does she know that you just broke up with your long term girl? While you are pretty much using the girl, it's still a good way to get over the old one, rebound girl and all.
she knows and doenst mind. no she hasnt been lined up.. ic alled up one of my old friends ans asked her if she had anyone in mind.. she told me she wasnt hot but i can get her easy.. and well i did.. =