I am totally down with some sand vollyball...and next Thursday is perfect anytime after 5PM. I am off the day after, getting meth and SS tune. Lets try to get something set in stone for the first meet!
Ok since some are not interested involleyball, lets stick to the US Play idea for the first meet. Its going to be thursday the 24th. Thats a week from today. Lets meet at 7:30pm in the parking lot and when everyone gets there we'll go get a lane... Sound good? Lets get some attendance!!
Sweet. Anyone else gonna commit? Its not gonna be too late of a night for me either since i have to work at 11pm...
ya I'm down have we decided on what it is we are going to do exactely? a rototation of events sounds cool, so many good ideas. it'll be a bit before I can come on a reg basis.
Well the meet turned out pretty good! Great seein you guys and meeting some new people. We'll deff. have to make this happen every 3-4 weeks...
sorry I didn't make it out but good news is I finished the bushings on the front end and also got my two lug studs on.
Sweet . We'll do it again. I'm gonna make a seperate post next time with a date in the subject and all so everyone checks it out .
I planned on coming along, but I had some extra bushings and extra suspension parts, so we pressed those in and are gonna sell them on ebay glad you guys had fun
yeah, and cheap! i suggest something similar at US play more often if its only gonna be a dollar game & such. And where's that vid, Flip??
My friends all drive sheepish cars and like to swerve at me. I can't tell it's them so they think it's funny. We all live around KSU too. So if you're driving along and someone starts to play chicken or something... well... good luck! :eek3: I'm going to try to make the next K-Town meet.
damn yall do have the same color suby huh. i live right off busbee. i dont know how i havent seen yall around. i hink flip said he was gonna do another meet next week or the week after. he willl post a new thred cause the venue will probably change.
I'm right off busbee too. I live in Greenhouse w/ the girlfriend. i'm up and down all the time driving her around now. A black or grey rex waved crossing barrett on frey and i didn't notice and she was like "DO THE WAVE!!!". She's loving all the looks more than I am I think.
start carrying large bolts in your car like bikers lol throw them out the windows just kidding whens the next shindiggity?