Summer is a coming! The Window Tinting G2G / GB!

Discussion in 'Meetups & Events' started by Alex, May 4, 2008.

  1. TheNewWazoo

    TheNewWazoo Member

    I'm down if y'all can accept a lurker saabaru. :)

    I want the ceramic stuff all the way 'round, please. And the 7th/8th works for me.
  2. XanRules

    XanRules Active Member

    Ceramic all the way - $175?
  3. deanjones

    deanjones Member

    Let's settle on the weekend of the 7th.

    Now you guys just need a good garage to work out of.
  4. AtlxPat

    AtlxPat Active Member

  5. Biggis

    Biggis Member

    so this next weekend right?

    i think someone said they would host it right?:eek:hnoes:

    Its getting a little warm in that car in the afternoons, this august is going to be a roasting pan i'm afraid.

  6. pankopp

    pankopp Member

    So, is there a plan finalized? I was hoping to still get in on this, that is if he would be able to tint an '04 VW R32... I know the price would be different.
  7. Batlground

    Batlground Active Member

    We can probably do it at the shop, let me know if you want to so I can start making arrangements.

  8. Silver Surfer

    Silver Surfer Member

    So is THIS the official date of this g2g?
    Need to know
  9. TheNewWazoo

    TheNewWazoo Member

    Yep, I think the 7th is it. At Batlground?

  10. pankopp

    pankopp Member

    well, i will not be able to make it if its only on saturday, I am going DÜRTYFEST car show... What time was this going to happen? If its later in the day then I may make it.
  11. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    With enough people, it would be an all day event.
  12. AtlxPat

    AtlxPat Active Member

    so is this final? lets get a list going
  13. XanRules

    XanRules Active Member

    yeah, I can't make it Saturday. Celebrating my birthday after I work.
  14. calmnothing

    calmnothing Shlimp Flied Lice Supporting Member

    So the 7th at Batlground? I'll be there
  15. pankopp

    pankopp Member

    I will be there also...

    what would be the price to do an '04 VW R32? also do you have different percentages of each film type? I'm looking for a nice dark, non "metallic reflective" look... Also what time is this going to happen on Saturday?

    Thanks I look forward to giving you my money.
  16. AtlxPat

    AtlxPat Active Member

    yes, a specific time would be nice
  17. pankopp

    pankopp Member

    bump for more information like specific meeting time.......
  18. Batlground

    Batlground Active Member

    Ok so no one has made this official yet, let me know when and if you guys want to do it.

  19. pankopp

    pankopp Member

    so it looks like this is not going to happen........ but if it does happen or if anyone goes tomorrow and the tint guy does show up, someone please let me know. Just shoot me a PM.

    So Bump for more info on if it's a YES or NO...
  20. Batlground

    Batlground Active Member

    This needs to be more organized, someone take the lead and set a time and date
  21. AtlxPat

    AtlxPat Active Member

    looks like this isnt happening
  22. TheNewWazoo

    TheNewWazoo Member

    Well, that's lame.

    Alex, can you get in touch with Dean and see if it'd be possible to contact him directly and get equal or similar prices? I need some tint now. :)
  23. pankopp

    pankopp Member

    yeah i would also be interested in contacting him directly... maybe TheNewWazoo and I can set something up together...
  24. deanjones

    deanjones Member

    I can come to anyone, however, please read below to make sure you meet these specifications. If you don't, I simply can't do it.

    • You must have a clean indoor garage that can supply power and water. The garage must be big enough to fit the entire car with all the doors open.
    • The water source must be internal. In other words, from your kitchen sink or a bathroom. No garden hoses unless you don't mind specs of dirt and garbage between the film and glass. No outdoor water source is clean enough to get a good install.
    • I can NOT tint a car outdoors in the elements. If you don't meet the 1st two rules, then it's not going to work.
    • I can NOT tint a car in an open parking deck. This is just as bad as it being out in the open.
    • You must live in the Metro Atlanta area. In order to make any of this worth my time, you have to live relatively close to Atlanta. Gas prices are insane and I can't drive more than a 30 minute trip. If I do, then I would actually lose money on this deal since I'm doing it for so cheap.
  25. calmnothing

    calmnothing Shlimp Flied Lice Supporting Member

    I'm gonna contact batlground and try and figure out a time and date. Matt said he'd provide a space and time aslong as we give him notice.
  26. pankopp

    pankopp Member

    Those are understandable requirements... hopefully Batlground will still be up for the deal... Keep me updated... Thanks in advance
  27. TheNewWazoo

    TheNewWazoo Member

    Information moved to [thread=20146]here[/thread]. NEED TO CLICKING LINK FOR TO SIGNING UP!
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2008
  28. dontcallitarex

    dontcallitarex Active Member

    The 08 wagon is technically a it has the same amount of glass as the sedan. How does pricing for that work?
  29. deanjones

    deanjones Member

    You have to account that it adds extra cutting for those two back pieces of glass in the hatch area. There is a simple formula for the cost of window tinting:

    Difficulty + Amount of glass + Type of film = Price

    Difficulty rating goes up a lot for very curved windows, very large windows, very large very curved windows (such as the Vette) and amount of cutting/hanging.

    So, with that said, Wagon's you'll want to add $40 to the original price.
  30. XanRules

    XanRules Active Member

    So my wagon we're looking at $215 for a full ceramic job?
  31. deanjones

    deanjones Member


  32. deanjones

    deanjones Member

    It may be a good idea to start a separate thread for this so that this post is at the top. You can then link to this thread so that people can use this thread for questions regarding tinting. Just a thought...
  33. TheNewWazoo

    TheNewWazoo Member

  34. deanjones

    deanjones Member

  35. TheNewWazoo

    TheNewWazoo Member

    C'mon, everyone! No fewer than 14 people expressed interest, and 9 people said they were definites... don't make me start naming names! :)
  36. deanjones

    deanjones Member

    FYI, I've been asked about credit cards. I can accept credit cards through PayPal as long as you add the 3% fee that paypal charges me to accept cards. In other words, if you're getting charged the typical $175, if you wanted to use PayPal to pay me, you would need to send me $180.25.

    In addition to this, I will also require that the funds already be in my paypal account before the job is done. PayPal offers plenty of consumer protection services, but I don't have any guarantee you will pay me after the job is done... So this is the only fair alternative.

    Obviously, cash will be accepted also, but no checks.
  37. TheNewWazoo

    TheNewWazoo Member

    It was really great to meet Matt, Ming, Dean, and, uh, Mr. Pankopp! :D

    I'm super happy with my tint job, and Batlground seems to be a pretty happenin' place. It reminds me why I stopped messing with high-hp caages... bikes are a lot cheaper!

    All in all, thanks for a great day, guys.

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