all i gotta say is *WOW* we locked it down..........once i get pics i'll post em:wiggle: this is from a post on I.A i just saw......... Nice turn out of WRXs and some rice of course lol
It was fun...there were a lot of rexes and STi's and only 2 and George...LOL...Then the cops came and cleared things da stickers bro... Mark
I counted 14 Rexes on the back wall, and there were also some more, like 3 or 4 in the parking lot...WOW!!!. Great turnout tonight... Mark
OOPS...Sorry Alex...It was really nice seeing you and the hearse out at the Varshitty tonight....Fellini's was awesome too... Mark:keke:
Yeah, nice meeting you also...I know that you have been with the forums since the very beginning like you were saying....It must have been fun back in the day.... Mark
Good turn out, nothing compared to the Wicked Big Meet ive been to up north, but cool nonetheless. Anyone w/ a camera going to post some pics?
Holy Mother of God...That's a lot of Subies...Derek, it was great meeting you last night also....It is cool to see some people from Connecticut up on the boards....Did you go to a lot of UConn basketball games when you attended?. Mark
I was more of the football fan, but i did go to a few basketball games as well. The campus got pretty nuts when both men and women won the championship in the same year... riots, flipping cars, couches on fire, helicopters, pepper spray and police dogs... all in good fun ofcourse.