paid for street I came by the shop on Friday and paid in cash for Derek Hofmann i still got the receipt if needed.
3AM63998FM219264U Thats the transaction id....wait.... sent it to this one but paypal confirms
New Tires - Check New Pads - Check New Coil Overs - Check Perrin PSRS Installed - Check GTE Alignment - Check Family Coming Into Town Friday Night - FAIL Sorry I will be missing this. I was planning on going but value my marriage too much. Especially after Friday night out with Ball....I am in the dog house for awhile. Matt, wife gave me the you smell like a hooker line too.
Good luck with that PSRS. I've installed 3 sets on 3 cars and all them eventually CLUNKED! Got the GTSpec one and no issues plus got more castor.
I am in the dog house but my time does not start until Sunday. SS I am in, talk to Doug. I hope my dunlops have enough left I don't have the time to put on the re01r's and get to GTE. EDIT: Drew your car still hasn't moved WTF?
well I was wrong it moved 20ft closer to Atlanta Rd, if it moved 20ft a day it will be out the gates by Friday.:rofl:
The PSRS (ALK) for your car is completely different than the PSRS for my car. The other brands have failed since they use a bushing. The Perrim piece is a spherical bearing so it cannot wiggle its way out like the other brands. The major downfall is that it is harsh and I can feel every little crack in the road now.
*IT'S ON!!!* That's right, I spoke with the track owner this evening and even though our numbers are much lower than anticipated, he's working with us to be able to run the competitive event. Just FYI, the competition insurance is nearly $1k and the required ambulance is $600. Those costs are what makes a competitive event SO much more expensive than a normal "test and tune." Anybody who's not a registered driver will have to pay the $5 gate fee. So we will definitely be having the event and those that want to compete will have the AMB transponders there. To rent the transponder will require the $40 transponder fee and leaving you driver's license AND a credit card with the transponder rental people. This is great news. If you haven't paid yet, please call TopSpeed tomorrow and pay. If you were holding off registering, pre-registration will still be $30 cheaper than registering at the gate. If you have any questions, please PM, text, or call us. Thanks, Siegel
Naw, it's all fun. Is this your first time at a track? Just have a blast. The stock wrx is more than capable.
If you think you will love it who cares what someone else will think? everyone started somewhere. hell I've been autocrossing for 9 years and driven on little tally 4 times and I am still scared I'll make a fool of myself. come on out and play
yeah man come out an play...we can change your name to wreckedwrx I will be out there tearing up a 450wheel miata in my wrx
You won't make a fool of yourself. To do that you need to drive a 500whp car with all season tires, shitty hawk street pads and hit 120 on the back stretch Seriously though TGP is a forgiving track and a good place to learn. This event is also inexpensive compared to some other track days.
NEW SCHEDULE = 1 hour and 40 minutes of track time PLUS the Time Attack portion All times are CST. So add one hour for EST 7:00-8:00 Tech 7:30-8:00 MANDATORY Driver's Meeting 8:00-8:18 Small-Bore 8:20-8:38 Street-Novice 8:40-8:58 Street-Advanced 9:00-9:18 Shop-Prepped 9:20-9:38 Small-Bore 9:40-9:58 Street-Novice 10:00-10:18 Street-Advanced 10:20-10:38 Shop-Prepped 10:40-10:58 Small-Bore 11:00-11:18 Street-Novice 11:20-11:38 Street-Advanced 11:40-11:58 Shop-Prepped 12:00-1:00 Lunch / Transponder Handout 1:00-1:18 Small-Bore 1:20-1:38 Street-Novice 1:40-1:58 Street-Advanced 2:00-2:18 Shop-Prepped 2:20-2:38 Small-Bore Timed 2:40-2:58 Street-Novice Timed 3:00-3:18 Street-Advanced Timed 3:20-3:38 Shop-Prepped Timed 3:40-3:45 Prep for Time Attack 3:45-4:00 Small-Bore Time Attack 4:00-4:15 Street-Novice Time Attack 4:15-4:30 Street-Advanced Time Attack 4:30-4:45 Shop-Prepped Time Attack 4:45-5:00 Margin / Parade
I paid on Wednesday. Got corner balanced and dynoed. I'll be running 355whp with 2740lb weight (without me so +~190 - yeah I'm phat) It's running a stock tune and is waaaaay too rich. I need a tune after this event. See you all there!
You should run 7/10 just for fun as a reference point for next time Looks like a beautiful day tomorrow
Nope not going to happen, neither one of us want to stay up all night working on it...going to Hotoberfest tomorrow instead
Wirelessly posted (From Your Mom's House) That was an awesome day! Big thanks to TopSpeed and the folks at Little Tally for a great event. Everyone that missed this should come out for the next one...even if you're gonna spectate or ride shotgun, like me. I took too many pictures; I'll post them up when I can.
what a great day. The weather was beautiful and the driving was fantastic. Too bad I ran out gas at the start of the 5th session. I wasn't sure if I was going to make it to the next gas station.
Good times! You could not have asked for a better track day as far as weather and track conditions! Good job on hosting the event Topspeed! Wnet off with out a hitch.
Wirelessly posted (From Your Mom's House) The girl driving the Evo X won Street Novice. Don't remember her times...maybe 1:11's?
Hey doug, your red sti sounds great! Here's what is sounds like when you drive by at wot
I'm chopping them up as we speak. Unfortunately I don't have the hottest lap from the final run - batteries ran out. I do have a spin and some with PS fluid spewing all over my windshield.
I was trying to get some good vid of Doug's car. Unfortunatly we didn't catch him on vid drifting it thru skid pad. It looked awsome watching from behind him! That car sound really mean!