I'd like to say that I am impressed to finally see a serious discussion on the site for a change. Everyone is keeping their tempers aside and its just a good ole' fashion chat (thank you). Classic :rofl: It truly is rather ironical to some degree; I see this more as "do not bite the hand that feeds you". Exactly.
only in the us can such dumb things occur...i think its rediculous and its entirely the wrong way to go abuot things.
Saw an article on CNN about this game: http://nerdnirvana.org/g4m3s/borderpatrol.htm called Border Patrol, a controversal game where you shoot mexicans crossing the border. I hope people don't take games like this seriously... I am no way advocate shooting mexicans, but thought that it was strange that CNN was mentioning the game. -- Brian
I guess i can add my .02 well i live in South Mississippi and the funny part about that is after the storm it has turned in to little Mexico and most of the people that are here working are from Mexico. on Mon did they take off work nope busy busy little bees just rebuilding our lovly city. Do i think they should be let in the country no question asked nope. Grated it would take a lot damn longer to rebuild down here if there were no immagrants here working, but on another note all the people who were left homeless after teh storm cant get a place to live due to all the out of town workers. So its kinda 6 one way half a dozen another. But on the mexicans defense well the ones that i have met in the past few months. They will work there asses off.
i see your point, i think when something like this happens, the US sends aid to that country in form of money and/or workers. just adding an extended thought to that.
Just adding something else to my previos statement. There are close to 100,000 jobs here from construstion to fast food. Maybe more. Anyways there are actually local people who a perfectly heatlhly who are on unemployment and bitch about having no money, but there are 50,000 out of towners who you dont hear a word from and most of them are living in tents at the job sites. Just baiscly saing again they deserve some respect by all means but still cant see giving them citizenship unless they go about it the legal way.
It is interesting that the protest also involved immigrants pulling their children out of public school in protest. It make no sense for illegals to pull their kids out of a public school since most aren't paying their fair share of taxes. They are unfairly benefiting from acces to our public school system, and stage a boycott. How many ways can they shoot themselves in the foot?
If there here by jumping the border then yes there not paying taxes, but if there here on a work pass they do pay a certain amount of money on taxes which in part there kids could attend public school., but again a wrok pass is for the person woking not the family.
As somebody pointed out earlier, many do indeed pay taxes, though the actual amount is far from certain.
majority get paid in cash anywayz so theres no taxes there....but then they pay no taxes on anything else when all of us are losing 40% of every paycheck.
There's always sales tax, property tax, cigarette tax, booze tax, hotel tax, ad valorem tax, etc. , etc. ,etc. , etc. , etc. ,etc. , etc. , etc. ,etc. , etc. , etc. ,etc. , etc. , etc. ,etc. , etc. , etc. ,etc. , etc. , etc. ,etc. State and Federal taxes are just part of that govt dick taking everyone from behind. Paying workers from petty cash saves both sides some money. Breakin' the law FTW!
passing the fairtax will eliminate the advantage. enforcing the laws we have will eliminate the job openings. taxing money sent back to mexico et cetra will eliminate the benefit to being here in the first place. There's no way to 'catch em.' Just enforce the borders, and remove the availability to the things that are desireable. People will leave. American's, by large these days, couldn't give a #@!%$ where people come from as long as its legal. The people behind this amnesty crap are trying to make it out that the people who oppose are bigotted backwards little race nazis. Tell me, how much sense does it make to hate all mexicans when there's a huge chunk of legal mexicans and 1st gen americans with mexican parents already in the communities legitimately? Both sides are trying to insult our intelligence, right and left.