Varsity 4/6/2006

Discussion in 'Meetups & Events' started by mattprzy, Mar 28, 2006.

  1. bigb996

    bigb996 teh Wannabe Mod

    ^^^ that was you man? dang is hould have come and said hey. No that wasnt me in that wrx, mine has superlaggeras and yellow fogs. i was parked in a bush haha. you drove past me a bunch then finally parked at the drivethrough area. Ill try and say hey next time.
  2. WrxCrazy

    WrxCrazy Active Member

    thats great.. great turn out, no parking tyte.. lol
  3. GTscoob

    GTscoob Black is Beautiful

    Haha Scotty. He's a good guy, I just passed up a late night Krystal run with him. You go to tech?
  4. soobaroo227

    soobaroo227 Member

    Yeah, Honduh600RR goes to tech. He's a good buddy of mine.
  5. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Definately dude, the show was incredible!
  6. mattprzy

    mattprzy Active Member

  7. soobaroo227

    soobaroo227 Member

    Ah, no pics of my car. I didn't have to worry about getting towed because I was blocked in by some buddies with their bikes. By the way Matt, did you hear someone yell your name around 11 or 11:30 while you were driving under the upper deck? That was me.
  8. mattprzy

    mattprzy Active Member

    Yup, I heard that. "It's matt per-zee!"
  9. MarkM2016GTI

    MarkM2016GTI Supporting Member

    Varsity next Thursday...Anyone going to be coming out?. It should be a good turnout...I know that Matt will be there....LOL...

  10. mattprzy

    mattprzy Active Member

    haha, yup. I'll be there, and I'll post a new thread for it in a few minutes.
  11. WrxCrazy

    WrxCrazy Active Member

    i would love to have a turn out after small little party at milo's after varsity if the parking lot is full.. up for it mark? milo?
  12. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    my parents will be in town... so not varsity for me

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