Wife will be at the beach house already since she has Friday off, so I will be there all alone. :wtc: Maybe Kris can give me a hug or something. :ddirty:
ok. can i have a bottle of Sweetwater in my hand while we're there? or, can i pour it into a to-go cup? :beer: if not, i think we all understand. i just have to ask.
After 8 it should be fine, as long as you bring enough to share (Blue for me please) Obviously it CANNOT get out of hand... SS
I'd say just solo cup it, I have nothing against it, but I have no idea where SoG would stand. If you cup it, I do not forsee it to be a problem.
Yeah a difference in having a bottle out in plain sight vs having your own in your cup. And pour it out in the lot or something and not in plain view and I don't see why anyone will complain. If they do then pour it out or down it...lol
Emol will be there. I am sure he will give you the courtesy of a reach around as long as you agree to cuddle with him after. :naughty:
I'll be there! I'll officially be there now, no more need for concern...lol I know everyone was worried I wasn't going to show up :wavey:
ALCOHOL POLICY Neither WRXatlanta nor SOG will be providing alcohol at this event... However, if you chose to bring or consume alcohol, please do so at your own risk
Aw this looks like it's gonna be so fun. I didn't realize that my concert tickets were for Friday. Oh well.... Maybe there will be an STI giveaway?
I don't doubt it!! FREE STI AT THE PARTY WOO! i wish... haha. If that was the case I'm sure all 500 members would be there, subaru owner or not.
better believe im gonna "drop it like its hot" for sure somewhere friday night. hope its at milos :keke:
You guys are bad. Isn't Red Dawn like Everclear, Peach Schnapps, and Code Red MDew? If so I never had that.
now you know milo will never quit drinking. and if he did it would be a sad day. :wtc: :beer: drinking buddies unite!!!! :beer:
I'm gonna try to drive up tomorrow after lunch but it may be later :hs: . It's about a four hour drive from Savannah but I'm pickin up an STi intercooler that I wanna slap on so I figured I'd give myself a little while to get that done.
if it takes you as long as it took me the first time to put on my intercooler you better give yourself a looooong while! ...but the STi intercooler doesn't take up every inch of the engine bay either. so you should be
You know there's going to be one or two WRX owners at the meet... maybe you can get some assistance installing the IC there (it can be a pain). I'll actually be heading your way Sat morning, going to HH for the weekend. Usually takes around 3.5 hours to Savannah.
i agree with sol. remember that its only 2 bolts, 2 claps , pull a few hoses and the ic is off. now tring to get that last bolt on the sti tmic can be very hard just get someone to pull the ic into place then drop the bolt in. only other part that is kinda hard is getting the y pipe on the turbo. you use a large screw driver or prybar to push on the elbow of the y pipe use the block to pull against and it should go right on. . better just bring it to the 555 party. i can do this in about 20 minutes. bring your own tools.
moose has a good idea. if you are just picking up the intercooler, not trading for your stock, then just bring it with you to the party. i know there will be plenty of help. i'll lend a hand too.
We can have this thing done for you in about 20 minutes, bring it with you. What good is a G2G with at some sort of install taking place.
hey could someone bring a camcorder so I can shoot the evening? I'd love to make a video of this event with my mad post-production skillz (or something).